Sunday, March 22, 2009

Which Diet is Best?

Vicki, a member of our group who found the blog and joined awhile ago sent me this study. Vicki is a dietitian/nutritionist (sorry Vicki, I can't remember which one). This study proves irrefutably, that no one diet is better than any other. All diets result in weight loss. Why do I say this when I'm doing my best to convince you to abandon dieting? I think this idea will help you in the future if you decide to commit yourself to intuitive eating. There are, as of yet, no magic bullets for weight loss. If you decide to never diet again, you won't be missing anything. In fact, it's necessary to drop the idea that somewhere there is a diet that will result in permanent weight loss for you. The fact that the last diet didn't work, but the next one will be different is a notion that is best dropped in an intuitive eating lifestyle. No one has discovered the magic pill for permanent, easily maintained weight loss!

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